Project Number: BiH2
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institutions/Departments: Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo
Project leader and contact person: Zorica Lesic; Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo
Duration: 2018-2019
Short Description:
"Quality Education in Multi-ethnic Societies,“ a project approved by the EU and the Council of Europe, is part of a more comprehensive programme led by the EU, “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey”. The aim of the project is to reduce the segregation of children in educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country marked by a unique form of school organization known as “two schools under one roof”. More than 30 schools in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, still separate pupils according to nationality. While sharing a building, some children attend school in morning and afternoon shifts, and others are segregated by floor. The project incorporates and engages different groups - students, parents, teachers, civil society actors, and politicians. Ten schools are selected for project implementation.
Implementation: 2018-19
Target Group(s), age & context: Teachers and pupils aged 5-15.
Approach/Method: Analysis with the pupils, interviews with teachers, focus groups
Type: Seminars
Funding: Co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe
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