University Course: “Ethnopedagogy”

Project Number: BiH3

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Institutions/Departments: University of Tuzla


Publication/Material: see

Project leader and contact person: Prof. Adnan Tufekčić

Duration: Ongoing

Short Description:

The BA level course, entitled “Ethnopedagogy,” was designed and taught since 1999 by Adnan Tufekčić, PhD, at the University of Tuzla. Combining pedagogy, anthropology and ethnology, ethnopedagogy refers to a modernized and updated version of folk pedagogy created by G.N. Volkov. The course introduces students to the emergence and development of ethnopedagogy as a subdiscipline, including elements of popular education and folk or lay pedagogy. Using ethnographic methods, students engage in organising and implementing short field studies in which they explore various routines of everyday life, such as eating, dressing, hygiene, religious practice and more.

Implementation: Since 1999, an obligatory course for students in the Department of Pedagogy, University of Tuzla.

Target Group(s), age & context: Teachers in training; 19 years +

Approach/Method: University course (BA level)

Type: Lectures, seminars, fieldwork

Funding: University

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TRANSCA, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universitätsstrasse 7, 1010 Vienna - Austria

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