Project Number: DK 3
Country: Denmark
Institutions/Departments: Voluntary Association
Publication/Material: Teaching material for a Bridge Building Week at school:
Project leader and contact person: Özlem Cekic, chairperson; Maia Feldman, board member
Duration: Ongoing
Short Description:
Babies are born without prejudice, but children soon learn to question, and sometimes fear, what they don’t know. If we are to secure understanding between different groups, it’s crucial that children already in primary school enter into dialogue with other children about what it means to be different. Trygfonden has supported The Bridge Building Association in developing methods and materials for training 600 students as future bridge builders, by strengthening their capacity for dialogue and reflection about their fear of ‘the others’. During Bridge Building Week, students learn about how dialogue may forge new understanding, relations, and insight of the things we talk about and the people we talk about/with. To broaden their horizons, students meet with students from other schools and with a ‘dialogue corps.’
Implementation: Bridgebuilder week in primary/middle schools
Target Group(s), age & context: Primary school pupils and their teachers
Approach/Method: Methods catalogue and teaching materials: exercises, activities, games
Type: School project week, class project work
Funding: Tryg Fond
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