Social studies - Cultural diversity; Cultural pedagogy

Project Number: NO2

Country: Norway

Institutions/Departments: Faculty for Humanities, Social sciences and Teacher education, University in Tromsø - Norway's Arctic University  


Project leader and contact person: Lisbeth Bergum Johanson; Anna Maria Helena Stenseth 

Duration: Ongoing

Short Description:

1: The course focuses on social science themes with an emphasis on historic and contemporary cultural diversity from the perspective, where relevant, of northern Norway. Learning outcomes: knowledge of themes central to social science didactics, theory and methods in geography, history and social studies, central features of Norwegian history, with specialization in Sami and Northern Norwegian history, from the Middle Ages to today; multicultural understanding, diversity and the multicultural Norway, Norwegian politics with emphasis on democracy and democratic practice maps, landscapes and geographical concepts.

2: This course requires students to reflect on the relation between pedagogy and culture. Drawing on sociocultural perspectives on learning and development, students explore different issues regarding the educational system as an arena for cultural encounters. The course introduces central theoretical contributions to the tradition, and then asks students to apply these theoretical perspectives, concepts and approaches to different empirical areas. The goal is for students to 1) understand the import of upbringing, education and the transmission of knowledge in every society and cultural formation, 2) realize that knowledge always reflects the particular places and positions from which we see the world, and 3) develop a critical view of institutionalized child-rearing practices and forms of knowledge transmission.

Target Group(s), age & context: 1) Teachers in training, grades 5-10 with specialization in social studies; 2) Pedagogues in training

Approach/Method: Lectures, seminars, group work, field study

Type: University courses, teacher education: Social science specialization with a focus on cultural plurality in North Norway.

Funding: UIT Norges Arktiske Universitet/Norway's Arctic University

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

TRANSCA, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universitätsstrasse 7, 1010 Vienna - Austria

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